Q-1 Answer the following questions with 'Yes' or 'No': (‘Yes’ કે ‘No’ વડે જવાબ લખો.)
Example: Did Parth do his homework? Answer: No, Parth did not do his homework.
1. Will the teacher punish Parth?
Answer: Yes, the teacher will punish Parth.
2. Did jigar's father apply a face cream?
Answer: No, Jigar's father did not apply a face cream.
3. Did jigar's father consult a beautician?
Answer: No, Jigar's father did not consult a beautician.
4. Did Jigar's father work in a coal mine?
Answer: No, Jigar's father did not work in a coal mine.
5. Did Chintu get up on time?
Answer: No, Chintu did not get up on time.
6. Did Chintu try to put the paste back into the tube?
Answer: Yes, Chintu tried to put the paste back into the tube.
7. Did Chintu reach the school on time?
Answer: No, Chintu did not reach the school on time.
8. Did Fatimabibi like the cat?
Answer: No, Fatimabibi did not like the cat.
9. Did Mulla get rid of the cat?
Answer: No, Mulla did not get rid of the cat.
10. Did Mulla forget the way to his home?
Answer: Yes, Mulla forgot the way to his home.
Q-2 Write answers with 'Yes': (હકારમાં જવાબ લખો.)
1. Did you eat an apple?
Answer: Yes, I ate an apple.
2. Did you get the car?
Answer: Yes, I got the car.
3. Will you go to Surat?
Answer: Yes, I will go to Surat.
4. Will you play with me?
Answer: Yes, I will play with you.
Q-3 Write answers with 'No': (નકારમાં જવાબ લખો.)
1. Did you eat a banana?
Answer: No, I did not eat a banana.
2. Will you catch the ball?
Answer: No, I will not catch the ball.
3. Did you sing a song?
Answer: No, I did not sing a song.
4. Will you play table?
Answer: No, I will not play table.
Q-4 ____________ is a soldier in the Indian Army.
(A) Harsh
Answer: Yes, I got the car.
3. Will you go to Surat?
Answer: Yes, I will go to Surat.
4. Will you play with me?
Answer: Yes, I will play with you.
Q-3 Write answers with 'No': (નકારમાં જવાબ લખો.)
1. Did you eat a banana?
Answer: No, I did not eat a banana.
2. Will you catch the ball?
Answer: No, I will not catch the ball.
3. Did you sing a song?
Answer: No, I did not sing a song.
4. Will you play table?
Answer: No, I will not play table.
Q-4 ____________ is a soldier in the Indian Army.
(A) Harsh
(B) Hitesh
(C) Moin Khan
(D) Aayushi
Answer: (C) Moin Khan
Q-5 Moin Khan's posting was at the ________ border.
(A) Kargil
Answer: (C) Moin Khan
Q-5 Moin Khan's posting was at the ________ border.
(A) Kargil
(B) Kutch
(C) Punjab
(D) Rajasthan
Answer: (A) Kargil
Q-6 Moin Khan is an Infantry Officer. (True or False)
Answer: True
Answer: (A) Kargil
Q-6 Moin Khan is an Infantry Officer. (True or False)
Answer: True
Q-7 The students of ___________ Primary School are asking questions to Moin Khan.
(A) Ghanshyam
(A) Ghanshyam
(B) Gyanswami
(C) Gyanshala
(D) Gyanbhunmi
Answer: (B) Gyanswami
Q-8 "Sir, do you have a very busy schedule?" Who asked this question?
(A) Harsh
Answer: (B) Gyanswami
Q-8 "Sir, do you have a very busy schedule?" Who asked this question?
(A) Harsh
(B) Hitesh
(C) Aayushi
(D) Anant
Answer: (A) Harsh
Q-9 Moin Khan's day starts at _________ in the morning.
(A) 4:00
Answer: (A) Harsh
Q-9 Moin Khan's day starts at _________ in the morning.
(A) 4:00
(B) 4:30
(C) 5:00
(D) 5:30
Answer: (B) 4:30
Q-10 Moin Khan always goes for hill-climbing. (True or False)
Answer: False
Q-11 Moin Khan can drive a tank. (True or False)
Answer: False
Answer: (B) 4:30
Q-10 Moin Khan always goes for hill-climbing. (True or False)
Answer: False
Q-11 Moin Khan can drive a tank. (True or False)
Answer: False